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Monday, November 3, 2014

New Love

                                     New Love

19 May 2010 at 11:48
Find A guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heart beat, or will stay awake to watch you sleep, wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show ou off to the world when you're just in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who thinks that you're just as pretty without make-up on, one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you...The one who turns to his friends with a smile and says, "She's the one!"
saving my life my soul ... thank u

You have given me a second chance in life Sometime before you I couldn't cop with the strife You've given me that love I dreamed of forever Happiness I been united with now that we're together You've touched my heart so deeply with your gentle touch To world I will never deny that I love you so much Words can't explain how thankful I am of you You have brought my smiles to overcome my blue The moments that we have shared the memories we make I promise your heart won't shatter or even break My world has changed forever now that you are here I miss you so much when you are not near I've opened up my everything to you because I trust you The more comfortable I am with anything we go through The love you and I share has made us one whole You have made my life complete from once an empty soul You will always be the girl who will stand out from the rest I'll never forget each memory that you made the best Forever in my heart baby with this love I'll always keep I'll always have you in my heart even when I'm asleep
 saving my life soul ... thank u

long distance love ...

                            Long Distance Love ...

I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can't touch you
And I can't feel you
But, somehow, I know you're there.

A distance, so brutally far
A feeling, so uncomfortably near
It fills me with want and desire
And I realize- I must not conspire.

I cannot think and can't imagine
I fear if I do it will make me closer
While you remain out of reach
And probably with someone else...
I know I could be her... if I was there.

I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can't touch you
And I can't feel you
But, somehow, I know you're there.

I long to hear your voice once more.
In the past it filled me with exhilaration
And then left me in despair.
Fill my soul once more with your proper tone
And then jerk it away, as we say, "So long".

I want to know feelings I never felt before
But will I ever experience your gentle touch again?
Or your warm breath against my neck,
As you solemnly whisper, "I love you, I need you."


I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can't touch you
And I can't taste you
But, somehow, I feel I could.

Why does my heart beat so rapidly
At one little thought of you?
Why do I need for you to touch me, hold me
Press your sweet, warm body to mine?
Oh, give me pleaures I could never know....

I want you to teach me the wonders
I've never known and take me to levels
Never seen before by my quivering soul.
Suck me in, let me drown.....
It would be like a baptism...... my heart with yours.

I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can imagine
And I can't touch you.
Somehow I feel we're beyond that.

We are two- united from the start
Meant to teach, to love, to comfort, and caress.
I could never let go of you
Even though there is nothing to grasp.

Even if it fades over time
It could never fade completely
And, one day, when I do see you.....
I'll feel it's you, I'll know it's you
The love, pain, worries, and curiosity
Will run through me once again.


I Will see you
I Will smell you
I Will feel you
I Will taste you
But, somehow... it won't be the same.

... i wrote this 12 May 2010 at 16:14 on facebook .. i just copy it today n i want to post it here ..